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Functional Forums

  Thinking concept in word tag cloudFunctional Forum: Accelerating the Evolution of Medicine …

“The Evolution of Mental Health”

APRIL 2, 2014 Helen Mills Theater, 139 West 26th St. New York, NY



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Archived Functional Forum Videos

Kelly Brogan: What Functional Medicine Does to Your Brain

kelly.broganFind out why Dr. Kelly Brogan is the next Katniss Everdeen for Functional Medicine’s Hunger Games and why the odds are ever in your favor as a practitioner who practices functional medicine.


Treating the Big Boys (and Lean-In Gals) with Dr. Doni Wilson

ffbc0acbe8ec8fcd1a0b6fd8d17d4f7cWhat is it like to treat CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies? Dr. Doni Wilson ND shares her experiences treating Fortune 500 CEOs like Aetna’s Mark Bertolini and others. Dr. Wilson is practicing naturopath and the author of The Stress Remedy.


Gabriel Hoffman: Empowerment is the New Compliance

GabeYes, science is importance, but compliance is the single most important factor in functional medicine. Functional Forum co-founder Gabriel Hoffman talks about the urgency needed to develop trust with patients to take them from compliant to empowerment with practical tools for doctors.


Curating Video: The Future of Patient Education

JamesMaskellHeadshot220What is the most efficient patient education system? How can we come back to docere: doctor as teacher? Revive Primary Care CEO James Maskell shares the different systems of patient education and optimal scaling systems.


Top 5 Health Tech Tools for 2014

Doctor preparing online internet prescriptionJames Maskell takes viewers through the top 5 tech tools relevant to the modern doctor, from websites to apps to tools. Are there some you’d like to add?



Beyond the Germ Theory

dentist_woman_smallDoes your gut have a brain? Is the mouth a barometer of disease?  NYC’s top physicians, including Larry Pelevsly MD, Ronald Hoffman MD, Robin Berzin MD, Reid Winick DDS talk about the role of germs, inflammation, disease and wellness.












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