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Video: Nutrigenomics – Test Your Genes to Find Your Best Diet

NCG Health Solutions, Todays Practitioner

A new frontier is emerging in genomic medicine and culinary arts that is destined to dramatically change the lexicon of food, human genomes and health. It’s called culinary genomics or nutrigenomics. As reported in the Wall Street Journal, this is the new frontier in medicine.

Today’s Practitioner is pleased to announce that the first ever accredited certification medical education (CME) class from Genoma International on culinary genomics is now available to healthcare practitioners through our website. 

Wall Street Journal Video, Test Your Genes to Find Your Best Diet



Genoma International courses are CME accredited through the University of Virginia. See the link left and below for more information.

This novel approach to medicine and nutrition started with a chance meeting meeting at the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) in May 2015. Fresh from introducing the concept of Culinary Genomics in South Africa and at IFM, Amanda Archibald RD was actively looking for experts in genomic medicine. She knew that the marriage of genomic medicine with the culinary arts would not only ignite a revolution in the kitchen, it would also reframe the national food conversation and reshape America’s plate.

Culinary Genomics Archibald found that expertise in Bobbi Kline, MD and Joe Veltmann, PhD., two visionary researchers and clinicians in active practice, who were using genomics as a foundation for medical and nutritional intervention. When Kline and Veltmann learned that Amanda could add culinary translation to their work, they realized a new era in medicine could now take form.

As Louis Pastor said, “Chance favors only the prepared mind.” And only then can preparation favor a successful partnership. With that in mind the three recognized that the opportunities have never been more positive for both clinician and patient. But there was a gap – namely an education gap for clinicians and one that needs to be bridged rapidly. Once again, Kline, Archibald and Veltmann recognized the need to support clinicians with evidence-based, case-study driven education and training.

The trio approached the University of Virginia School of Medicine with a proposal to create an online course for clinicians in Clinical Genomics and Culinary Genomics. Launched earlier this year, their new company, Genoma International (formerly NCG Health Solutions) became the first company in the world to provide CME accredited training in this field.

“The marriage of genomic medicine, nutrition science and culinary translation essentially allows clinicians to generate a personalized care plan or blueprint that maps supportive ingredients to individual health goals,” says Archibald. The genomics aspect is particularly compelling for healthcare practitioners. “This form of nutrition and medical intervention transcends ‘good for you’ recipes and lists of foods, to a cellular level, where bioactives and targeted ingredients influence and support a person’s unique innate biochemistry,” Veltmann adds.

Genoma International is building the basic and advanced certification programs in Clinical Genomics and Culinary Genomics, and has already created an introductory module. The introductory module allows clinicians to develop a fundamental understanding of key genomic concepts, plus get a “taste” of what genomics and its culinary translation looks like in practice. The module is currently offered as an online learning experience. To get a taste of what a class looks like view the video below for an example of a sports genomics workshop on sports nutrition.


Click here more information on Genoma International

Click here for more information on Genomic Kitchen 



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