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Research Review of Curcumin

curcumin and AD

In this research review of curcumin, it is apparent that evidence is growing that curcumin, the substance in tumeric, has the potential to take a bigger role in the human diet for its ability to act as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering agent. Western Australian researcher, Gautam Sethi, from Curtin University (Australia), and his colleagues see strong potential, based on this scientific review of past clinical trials, for curcumin and cancer. To date the studies are small in scope, but Sethi and his team see evidence for larger studies. Published in Molecules, Vol. 20, No. 2, Feb 2015.

curcumin_Small-e1386707213948Despite significant advances in treatment modalities over the last decade, neither the incidence of the disease nor the mortality due to cancer has altered in the last thirty years, according to a new research review in curcumin. The researchers cite that available anti-cancer drugs exhibit limited efficacy, are associated with severe side effects, and they are also expensive. Thus identification of pharmacological agents that do not have these disadvantages is required. Curcumin, a polyphenolic compound derived from turmeric (Curcumin longa), is one such agent that has been extensively studied over the last three to four decades for its potential anti-inflammatory and/or anti-cancer effects.


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