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Audio Case Study: Nutrigenomics and Heart Disease

Have you considered how nutrigenomics and heart disease might be what you need for ideal integrative cardio care? In this podcast from This Week in America with Ric Bratton, Bobbi Kline MD, board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist, nutrigenomics expert and co-founder of Genoma International, discusses how nutrigenomics can play a role in uncovering hidden errors in DNA that may contribute to heart heart. Knowing an individual’s genetic code can give both patient and doctor lifesaving information for treating heart disease.

Kline calls it a blueprint or a schematic of “a look under the hood before an heart healthindividual gets sick.” In This Week in America interview, she describes a case study of female patient in her 40s whose cholesterol numbers would not budge despite a healthy lifestyle and diet. Through genomic testing, both the patient and her cardiologist learned how a few “typos” in her DNA were sending the wrong messages to her liver and other cardiovascular systems. With this information, they found the ideal nutrigenomic solution that suited both patient and practitioner to help her “lead a long and healthy life,” without the use of statins.

This Week in America_nutrigenomicsListen to this podcast by clicking on the This Week In America image.

Click here to learn more about the exciting new world of genomics from Genoma International.





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