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Measuring White-Blood-Cell Count in the Saliva Could Spot Early Heart Disease Risk

A study published in Frontiers in Oral Health has identified a simple test that could predict future cardiovascular risk in young, healthy adults.

Peppermint Essential Oil Eases Pain After Heart Surgery

A new study published in BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care finds that an aromatherapeutic treatment with peppermint essential oil can help ease post-surgery pain.

Vitamin D Supplements Reduce Risk of Atrial Fibrillation

A study in the American Heart Journal shows that high doses of vitamin D decrease the risk of atrial fibrillation, a common arrhythmia that leads ...

Vitamin D Supplements May Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Events

Australian researchers, writing in The BMJ, found that people who took vitamin D supplements had a lower risk of cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction and ...

Copper Deficiency May Be a Major Contributing Factor to Cardiovascular Disease

Nutrient deficiencies can be an important factor in cardiovascular health and disease. There has been growing evidence that copper deficiency as well as defective copper ...

When antihypertensive drugs lose efficacy, rule out interactions with dietary supplements

Anticipating possible interactions between drugs and dietary supplements is a challenging area of integrative practice.  When we think about interactions, we tend to envision risks ...

How a High-Fat Diet Promotes Atherosclerosis

A study in the Journal of Lipid Research finds that phospholipids found in high-fat, high-cholesterol diets promote atherosclerosis via gut bacteria interactions with the immune ...

Compound Isolated From Astragalus May Improve Outcomes For Heart Attack Patients

According to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal GeroScience, an isolated compound from astragalus, an herb used in Chinese medicine to support immunity, may ...
Hypertension Guidelines

High Blood Pressure in Your 30s May Mean Dementia in Your 70s

A study published in JAMA Network Open finds that young people with high blood pressure tend to have worse brain health when they grow older. ...

The Treatment Protocol I Used to Lower My BP: A Personal Case Report by Robert Lamberton, BSc, FNTP

Recently I decided to check my blood pressure which I had not done for a while. My BP has always been pretty good throughout my ...


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