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Paper Receipts and Xenoestrogens

I don’t know about you but every time I touch a paper receipt I cringe because I know I am exposing myself to and probably absorbing xenoestrogens.

As you probably know, Xenoestrogens are chemical compounds that mimic estrogen and disrupt the endocrine system.

From an article on Meghan here is a list of sources of xenoestrogens:

Where Are Xenoestrogens Found?

Hold on to your hats, because xenoestrogens are almost everywhere. Sources of xenoestrogens include:

A good source for information on xenoestrogens is the Environmental Working Group

Some of the health risks associated with exposure to xenoestrogens include: cancer, infertility, obesity (some xenoestrogens are actually called “Obesogens”), diabetes, thyroid disruption and more.

I wanted to share with you an article from Paul (I don’t have a link to the actual newsletter article however here is a link to his website)

If you are not familiar with Paul he is a big proponent of the Carnivore Diet which I won’t get into in this article – perhaps in the future.

The bottom line is we live in a toxic environment and contaminants like xenoestrogens can cause or contribute to many health issues.  Regular detox programs – under supervision of a health care practitioner that knows how to do this properly can provide big benefits for individuals’ health


Following is the article

So many of you might have seen my recent reel about why you shouldn’t touch receipts…

Well, this one went super viral…

Some people got pretty triggered saying that I’m being over the top, fear-mongering etc.

But you know what’s actually incredibly ironic and kinda funny?

For probably the first time EVER…

The mainstream media actually AGREED with me on this one!

At first glance, I thought “here we go again”…

But check this out:

Guess I’m warming up to them

Look, I am NOT here to prescribe to anyone how they should or should not live.

Nor do I wish to make people afraid…

I’m simply curious about how our choices impact our health.

And I share everything I learn to give you all new perspectives and insights so you can be as informed as humanly possible. That’s it.

So,if you want to keep touching grocery store receipts, rub them all over your face… by all means, go crazy!

I’m all for freedom of choice.

But I’m also for freedom of information.

So I will never shy away from sharing anything and everything that can improve the health status of our species… even if it appears a little “weird” or “extreme”.

However, if you ask me when you dive into the literature around these compounds that are so pervasive in our environment…

It’s actually pretty alarming and not weird at all to avoid this stuff.

Let’s break it down…

First, what’s actually IN these receipts?

Thermal paper receipts contain BPA (Bisphenol A) and BPS (Bisphenol S) – industrial chemicals used to make hard plastics. These chemicals sit right on the surface of the receipt paper, making them easily transferable to your skin.

Now, the sentiment among some people is that touching a receipt here and there can’t be that bad…

But these “harmless” receipts are more problematic for humans than we might like to believe…

From the evidence, it’s pretty clear that receipts are DRIPPING with BPA/BPS which are known to wreak havoc in the human body.

And guess what? Turns out receipts may actually have HIGHER concentrations of these compounds than other widely acknowledged sources like drinking water and plastic bottles.

The craziest part is, we’ve known about this for a while now too…

The EWG actually discovered way back in 2010 through testing that the amount of BPA on a typical receipt is 250 to 1,000 times GREATER than the amount in a can of food.

EWG Tests Find High BPA Loads on Receipts

So, when people think I’m crossing the line by avoiding receipts…

Science suggests otherwise!

A more recent study published in Environmental Health Perspectives found that handling receipts for JUST 5 5 SECONDS was enough for measurable BPA/BPS absorption through the skin (PMID: 32159379).

There are also multiple studies showing that grocery store workers who regularly handle receipts show significantly higher levels of these chemicals in their blood (PMID: 37481030; PMID: 26309242)

How wild is that?

The potential consequences of these microplastic chemicals on your health are extremely concerning in my opinion.

As I said, these compounds are harmful endocrine disruptors – meaning they mess with your hormones.

Studies have found they can cause everything from reduced fertility and reproductive issues to thyroid dysfunction, metabolic disorders, and developmental problems in children.

But what’s really concerning is that these compounds are “xenoestrogens” that mimic estrogen in your body. This can decrease testosterone, alter sperm quality, and even affect brain development (PMID: 36726457).

The thing is too, we’re only BEGINNING to understand these effects…

As I always say, it’s not a question of IF these chemicals are toxic – it’s just a matter of time until enough studies prove HOW toxic they really are.

Personally, I’d rather not be part of that data when it arrives!

And we’re already seeing more and more scary findings like microplastics in testicles and in human blood and neck arteries…

Remember, our ancestors NEVER encountered these synthetic chemicals so these are all relatively new challenges for human biology.

We simply haven’t evolved mechanisms to properly process them.

Hence why I’m so adamant about avoiding them as much as I can.

The fact is, we’re living in an increasingly toxic world…

From microplastics in our water to endocrine disruptors in our food packaging to EMFs from our devices…

The medical establishment will say things like “the dose makes the poison”…

But this completely ignores the fact that we’re being exposed to these from MULTIPLE sources -Not just receipts.

It’s death by a thousand cuts.

But… knowledge is power.

When we understand these risks, we can make better choices.

My mantra has always been: if you can avoid something potentially harmful, why wouldn’t you?

Especially when it’s as low-effort as not touching something…

This isn’t about living in fear or becoming paranoid.

It’s about being INTENTIONAL.

And before I sign off…

I just want to add that you should not be overwhelmed by this information.

Like we do our best to avoid seed oils and processed foods, all we need to do is be mindful of these environmental toxins and reduce exposure whenever possible.

Choice is yours.

But if you’re dealing with unexplained health issues, hormone problems, or fertility struggles…

Considering these environmental factors could be key to reclaiming your health.

Hope this was useful!

Welcome to The Remembering



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