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On Demand Video: Cold and Flu Treatments with Tieraona Low Dog, M.D.

Dr Low Dog Cold and Flu

Millions of Americans fall ill with influenza each winter season. Yet, many clinicians are still seeking out factual information about the efficacy of the flu vaccine and prescription medications. Practitioners are also looking for specific guidance about how to best utilize botanical medicine and supplements for the prevention and treatment of influenza. Flu activity usually peaks between December and February, but can last as late as May, making this a long season.

 Click here for the webinar/video, An Integrative Approach to the Treatment of the Common Cold and Flu,  Tieraona Low Dog, M.D. 

Key Learnings about Cold and Flu

  • Participants will be able to identify the current evidence for the safety and efficacy of the influenza vaccination.
  • Participants will be able to identify the evidence regarding the effectiveness of prescription medications for the treatment of influenza.
  • Participants will be able to describe how to best utilize dietary supplements and botanicals for the prophylaxis and treatment of the common cold and flu.
1. Vaccine Effectiveness: How well does the flu vaccine work? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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