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Free Nutrition Resource: Practical Tips for Healthier Kids Meals

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A new school year is fast approaching, and you’re probably talking to parents and caregivers about how to help their child have a successful school year.

As you know, a nutritious diet plays a vital role. Providing nourishing foods for lunch and snacks gives children an edge — mentally, socially, and physically.

But for many families, planning healthy meals and packing that lunch box day after day is a struggle. It’s easy to get into a rut, especially when a child is a picky or sensory eater, as with many children.

Here are a few tips that can help families pack nutritious lunches children will look forward to eating:

Empower children to choose a few new fruits and vegetables at the grocery store each week. And let them decide what goes into their lunchbox each day.

Aim for color and variety by including at least 3 different colors of fruits and vegetables in their lunch box. They’re full of brain-healthy nutrients.

Discuss providing balance by including a mix of proteins, healthy carbs, and fats for lunch and snacks. This helps stabilize blood glucose and supply long-lasting fuel for their brains and bodies.

Include brain-healthy foods whenever possible. Great options include canned (or leftover) salmon, walnuts, fresh berries, and leafy green vegetables.

Our free MindFULL Healthy Eating Guide has many practical ideas. Written by a registered dietitian, it offers practical nutrition tips and healthy food suggestions that provide sustained energy to support mental, social, and physical performance.



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