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The Subjective Experience of Medical Intuitive Practitioners
Medical intuitives are known to use the sense of intuition to observe physiological and energy systems of the human body (Shealy, 2010). After years of

What to Look for in a Professional Medical Intuitive
Whether you are an individual seeking a personal consultation, or a health care provider looking to work with a medical intuitive on behalf of your patients, there are key guidelines to consider when choosing a medical intuitive practitioner to work with.

What is Medical Intuition: The Research and Reasons to Include it in Your Practice Tool Kit
In this episode Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP clarifies what is medical intuition and what it is not. We review some of the recently published research

Honoring Daniel Benor, MD – Intuitive Medicine Pioneer
I was introduced to the work of Dr. Daniel Benor, a pioneering voice in biofield research, while writing my book, Essentials of Medical Intuition: A
Medical Intuitives in Healthcare: Results of a National Survey
Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP, Maria T. Gentile, DO, MS, CHOM, CMIP, and Tiffany Barsotti, MTh, PhD The use of medical intuition has been recorded in
Ethics for the Intuitive Practitioner
For more than a decade, Midge Murphy, JD, PhD (Energy Medicine) has been a tireless advocate for bringing ethics, legal issues, and risk management strategies
A Physician’s Perspective on Medical Intuition
Why would healthcare providers want to use medical intuition? I spoke with Lloyd Costello, MD, a board-certified family medicine physician with a private practice in
What Is Medical Intuition?
Excerpted from Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness (Watkins/Penguin-Random House, 2022) In 2005, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) convened a committee of
The Subjective Experience of Medical Intuitive Practitioners
Medical intuitives are known to use the sense of intuition to observe physiological and energy systems of the human body (Shealy, 2010). After years of consulting medical
What to Look for in a Professional Medical Intuitive
Whether you are an individual seeking a personal consultation, or a health care provider looking to work with a medical intuitive on behalf of your patients, there are key guidelines to consider when choosing a medical intuitive practitioner to work with.
What is Medical Intuition: The Research and Reasons to Include it in Your Practice Tool Kit
In this episode Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP clarifies what is medical intuition and what it is not. We review some of the recently published research regarding accuracy
Honoring Daniel Benor, MD – Intuitive Medicine Pioneer
I was introduced to the work of Dr. Daniel Benor, a pioneering voice in biofield research, while writing my book, Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path
Medical Intuitives in Healthcare: Results of a National Survey
Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP, Maria T. Gentile, DO, MS, CHOM, CMIP, and Tiffany Barsotti, MTh, PhD The use of medical intuition has been recorded in clinical healthcare
Ethics for the Intuitive Practitioner
For more than a decade, Midge Murphy, JD, PhD (Energy Medicine) has been a tireless advocate for bringing ethics, legal issues, and risk management strategies into energy-based
A Physician’s Perspective on Medical Intuition
Why would healthcare providers want to use medical intuition? I spoke with Lloyd Costello, MD, a board-certified family medicine physician with a private practice in San Bernardino,
What Is Medical Intuition?
Excerpted from Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness (Watkins/Penguin-Random House, 2022) In 2005, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) convened a committee of experts to
New Study Shows High Accuracy of Medical Intuition
A recent study chosen by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine as an editor’s top read, shows that trained Medical Intuitives have a high success rate