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White Paper: Importance of Microbiome Modulation & Medium-Chain Prebiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be a complex process, as there are many factors that influence IBS, including stress, environmental toxins, nutrient depletion and gut dysbiosis. Often, by the time you see the patient, they have have been prescribed antibiotics and suffered from chronic infections, which only complicates resolving the pain and discomfort. It is well known that reestablishing microbiome health could improve both the GI symptoms and the co-morbidities associated with IBS. However, just how to do that is up for discussion. Microbiome modulation with medium-chain prebiotics is one important aspect to consider.

In this white paper, a concept is presented that explores using medium-chain prebiotics as opposed to long-chain fibers. This form of microbiome modulation is gentle to the GI system. Because of gastrointestinal sensitivities, long-chain fibers, including resistant starches, may lead to more gas, bloating and diarrhea, especially if a person is new to prebiotic supplementation.

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In what is referred to as the Goldlock’s Effect, modulating the microbiome in a gentle fashion, with medium-chain prebiotics, specific strains of probiotics and synbiotics, offers a treatment method that may improve quality of life and reduce some of the negative side effects associated with other forms of prebiotics and probiotics.

“Not all prebiotics are created equally,” says Leah Linder, ND. “Individuals who are naive to prebiotic supplementation or those without a high-fiber rich diet or those with a compromised microbiome cology may experience unpleasant GI symptoms associated with shorter chain prebiotics, like fructo-oligosaccharides and galacto-oligosaccharides.” This white paper suggests the use of a medium-chain prebiotics.

What you will learn:

  1. Importance of medium-chain prebiotics that are certified as low-FODMAP.
  2. Knowing the ideal mult-species probiotic strain for reestablishing a healthy and functioning microbiome.
  3. The role of synbiotics for modulating the microbiome.


Leah Linder, prebiotics and IBS
Leah Linder, ND, is a writer, speaker, and educator on topics of natural medicine and dietary supplements. An alumnus of Bastyr University, Dr. Linder is a licensed naturopathic physician, and currently serves as Science and Education Manager for SFI Health, which manufactures professional nutritional supplements under the Klaire Labs brand. Beyond her work at SFI Health, she is the owner of her own private practice specializing in microbiome ecology optimization, naturopathic gynecology, and acute and chronic pain. From Dr. Linder: “I don’t heal my patients, I teach them to heal themselves.”


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