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Cardiovascular Disease

For Heart Patients, Too Little Salt Isn’t Always a Good Thing

When it comes to diet advice for heart health, we’ve all heard the same thing — reduce your sodium intake. Turns out, that may not ...
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Fatty Liver Disease Ups Dementia Risk

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) — a buildup of fat cells in the liver — affects up to 25% of people worldwide and is the ...
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The Role of NAD+ in Aging

Feeling the effects of aging firsthand can be frustrating and even scary. Getting older doesn’t have to be a negative experience. The key is to ...
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Cardiovascular Disease

Eggs Lower Heart Disease Risk

An egg a day may keep the heart doctor away. That’s the conclusion of researchers who recently published a study in eLife journal. These new ...
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Botanical Medicine

Cranberries Provide Neuroprotective Benefits

Blueberries get all the glory when it comes to boosting memory and cognitive function. But according to a new study, cranberries may be edging out ...
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Krill Oil Boosts Muscle Function and Size in Older Adults

Researchers know that omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in healthy aging. Now a new study published in Clinical Nutrition reveals that krill oil ...
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Could CBD Reduce COVID Lung Damage? A Protective Peptide May Be the Answer

Recent research shows that CBD appears to reduce the “cytokine storm” that damages the lungs and kills many patients with COVID-19 is by enabling an ...
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Cardiovascular Health

B Vitamins May Enhance Heart Benefits of Omega-3s

The newest power duo in the supplement world may be B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. A study from the journal Nutrients points to a ...
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age-related macular degeneration

The Eye-Opening Benefits of Goji Berries

Goji berries have a long history of medicinal use in China, where they are eaten regularly and also enjoyed in tea form. A small study ...
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Immune Health

The Immune and Gastrointestinal Benefits of Colostrum

From Top-Notch Athletes to the Critically Ill, this Colostral “First Milk” Provides Nutritional Protection What’s the nutritional superfood almost all of us have had at ...
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