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Flavocoxid: Dual Inhibitor of Cyclooxegenase and 5-Lipoxegenase

Integrative medicine clinicians from various professional backgrounds and fields are encountering an ever-growing population of patients/clients suffering from acute and chronic pain conditions, many of these being inflammatory in nature including; sports injuries, degenerative and inflammatory arthritis, autoimmune-related disorders, and many more. Many of these patients experience significant gastrointestinal, renal, and coagulation side-effects, and more, and may not even be aware of them until they cause a serious medical disorder. There are emerging highly standardized and evidence-based natural agents that effectively modulate the same enzyme pathways as anti-inflammatory medications with much lower side-effect profiles. One such extract with strong supporting human outcome studies, flavocoxid, will be discussed in this article with emphasis on its safety profile and balanced action across a multitude of inflammatory pathways.

Published in Nutritional Perspectives: Journal of the Council on Nutrition of the American Chiropractic Association, Vol. 36, No. 3, by David Brady, ND.

Environmental Costs of Pain Management: Pharmaceuticals vs Physical Therapies

Analgesics are among the most widely used medications in America, and their use is growing rapidly. As a result, the environment is becoming increasingly contaminated with analgesic residues created by the manufacture, consumption, and disposal of these medications. Most analgesic residues that end up in wastewater are not destroyed during treatment in wastewater…


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