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Jeffrey Bland PhD on Cardiogenomics, Omega-Fatty Acids and the Future of Personalized Medicine

Jeff Bland

In the attached article from Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal, Cardiology Meets Personalized Lifestyle Medicine, Jeffrey Bland, PhD says “this is an exciting time for medicine.” He writes, “We are witnessing the creation of a new approach to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. It is an omnigenic approach—poweredRead

A Retrospective Look at Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Coronary Disease

coronary disease

The commentary published on Today’s Practitioner from Jeffrey Bland PhD and Alex Vasquez, DO was met with widespread interest. In light of the response and the scientific flip flopping regarding Omega-3 fatty acids and coronary disease, it’s important to take retrospective look at a significant 2016 study, Polyunsaturated Fatty AcidRead


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