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Ophthalmologists See Artificial Intelligence as the Next Frontier in Diagnosing Eye Diseases

eye diseases

Artificial intelligence (AI) could be an ophthalmologists next tool for diagnosing eye diseases. An AI system that can recommend the correct referral decision for more than 50 eye diseases, as accurately as world-leading experts, has been developed by researchers at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Google’s DeepMind Health andRead

Retraction Needed? JAMA Oncology’s Bum Science Suggests People Die Faster Using Complementary Medicine

John Weeks

The media had a feeding frenzy when a data-mining report from Yale researchers published in JAMA Oncology suggested a causal relationship between use of complementary medicine and shortened life span among cancer patients. A New York Times subheading was representative: “People who used herbs, acupuncture and other complementary treatments tended to die earlier than those whoRead


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