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Blood Sugar A1C Biomarker Test for Atherosclerosis?

When running a routine glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) test to track blood sugar levels, you may want to consider also using the test to identify individuals ...
Long-Term Cardiovascular and Heart Complications

Long-Term Cardiovascular and Heart Complications of COVID-19 in Younger Adults

Young healthy adults with mild COVID-19 symptoms may have an increased risk of cardiovascular and heart complications, and may continue for some time after infection. ...
Anti-Inflammatory Function of HDL Cholesterol

New Test Measures Anti-Inflammatory Function of HDL Cholesterol

Assessing levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is already a standard part of formulas used to predict cardiovascular risk. However, a new test that measures ...

PCOS DISCOVERIES: Men with Genetic Risk Factors & Black Women at Greater Odds for Cardiometabolic Diseases

Two new studies presented at the annual ENDO 2021 meeting (March 20-23), the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting, provides valuable insight into polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). ...
stroke study

Plant-Forward Diet Reduces Risk of Ischemic Stroke by 10%

Eating a healthy, plant-based diet that includes foods like vegetables, whole grains and beans, and decreasing intakes of less healthy foods like refined grains or ...
Nocturnal high systolic blood pressure

Nocturnal High Systolic Blood Pressure May Pose Dementia Risk in Older Men

Nocturnal high systolic blood pressure that is higher than daytime BP may be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease in older men. More research is ...

Children with COVID-19 Inflammatory Diseases Show Cardiac Complications

During the height of the pandemic, researchers at Children’s National Hospital discovered that as many as one half of children with COVID-19 and multi-system inflammatory ...

The Cholesterol Myth: Why Doctors are Becoming More Skeptical About Cholesterol Numbers

What is the cholesterol myth? Our content partners at WholeFoods magazine shared two articles with us that deserve more attention about why the medical establishments’ ...
ketogenic diet

Animal Study: High-Fat, Ketogenic Diet May Prevent & Reverse Heart Failure

An animal study from Saint Louis University finds that high fat or ketogenic diet could completely prevent, or even reverse heart failure caused by a ...

Researchers ID a Gene that Encodes the Transport of NAD+ for Cellular Metabolism

Penn Medicine researchers have solved a decades old mystery around nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a key molecule fueling the power plant of cells that could ...


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