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New Test Measures Anti-Inflammatory Function of HDL Cholesterol

Anti-Inflammatory Function of HDL Cholesterol

Assessing levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is already a standard part of formulas used to predict cardiovascular risk. However, a new test that measures the anti-inflammatory function of HDL cholesterol may provide additional information that is independent of the quantity of HDL. If the results are confirmed in broaderRead

The Cholesterol Myth: Why Doctors are Becoming More Skeptical About Cholesterol Numbers

What is the cholesterol myth? Our content partners at WholeFoods magazine shared two articles with us that deserve more attention about why the medical establishments’ reliance on cholesterol numbers may not be telling patient and practitioner what they need to know about cardiovascular disease risk. We’ve collected excerpts of theRead

Integrative Treatments to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Recognizing the contribution and inter-relatedness of lipoprotein risk factors is critical to prioritizing treatment strategies for cardiovascular risk reduction. Lipoprotein factors still dominate risk for developing cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction. Some emerging risk factors such as C-reactive protein…


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