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Entrepreneurship in Healthcare Part 3: Building a Strong Team

Creating a successful healthcare practice goes beyond medical expertise; the real magic happens when you assemble a dedicated, cohesive team that is committed to providing quality patient care. A well-structured team can transform your practice – but just as quickly, poor staffing can drag down an otherwise capable business. StudiesRead

The Value of a Network for Healthcare Professionals

As healthcare professionals and business leaders in the functional medicine industry, we understand the importance of learning from one another and embracing the concept of continuous learning. At Doctors Supplement Store, we are firm believers in the power of networking, professional development, and keeping up to date on industry researchRead

Everything Physicians Need to Know about the Paycheck Protection Program Forgiveness

Paycheck Protection Program PPP

The last few months have been very tough on the careers of physicians. Specifically for the practice owners, juggling between staff and patient management and keeping their finances in check has become a challenging ordeal. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) by SBA has provided the much-needed stability required by physiciansRead

The Benefits of Becoming a Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner

The new Lifestyle Medicine (LM) diplomas and lifestyle medicine’s recent addition to the curriculum at medical schools such as Cambridge University represent its emergence as a standalone specialty. However, despite its basis in a holistic approach to health, LM is not a complementary or alternative form of medicine. It isRead

Defining and Fulfilling True Patient-Centered Care

Though the popular catch-phrase “patient-centered care” is often used, but it may be missing the mark because needs are not being met in this COVID-19 era of care. Patient drop outs and refusals are common with telemedicine becoming more common, as a recent telemedicine Cochran Database study shows. In thisRead


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