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Botanical Medicine

The HPA Axis: Evidence-Based Adaptogens to Restore Homeostasis

Disruptions to this crucial system drive stress, disturb sleep and feed fatigue; how to help patients reset, recalibrate and restore balance. Of all the complaints ...
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Nutritional Medicine

Demystifying Methylation: Patterns, Processes and the Pivotal Role of B vitamins.

Methylation is a complex, often poorly understood subject—but it’s essential for overall wellness, vitality and disease prevention. As a central player in regulating gene expression ...
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Children's Health

Study Highlights Another Danger of Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity has long been understood as a cause of or contributor to a host of other conditions, including many that used to be considered ...
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Mental Health

Research Uncovers Natural Solution for Postpartum Blues

Postpartum blues, also known as “baby blues,” is characterized by mood swings, crying spells, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. It affects up to 8 out of ...
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The Ever-Evolving Microbiome: Part Two

Crafting a personalized probiotic protocol that changes across the lifespan, to meet your patients' needs at every age and stage of life.
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Nutritional Medicine

Best Forms of Magnesium for Sleep

The magnitude of magnesium’s importance in the human body cannot be understated. This master mineral is the fourth most abundant element in the human body ...
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Cannabis and Women’s Health: Across the Lifespan

Women have historically used cannabis for menstrual pain, labor pain, hyperemesis gravidarum, appetite, urinary problems, uterine prolapse, postpartum hemorrhage, mastitis, migraine, nervous excitability and menopausal ...
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Botanical Medicine

Ashwagandha: An Overview of the Research and Clinical Indications

As a part of the Ayurvedic herbal tradition, Ashwagandha has been used as an adaptogenic botanical medicine for hundreds of years. In botanical medicine traditions ...
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The Ever-Evolving Microbiome—Ages and Stages

Research highlights specific patterns and transition points at various ages and stages of life, as well as significant impacts those changes have on long-term wellness—so ...
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Botanical Medicine

Using Ayurvedic Herbs to Treat Stress

The ancient Indian healing system known as Ayurveda has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments. It relies on ...
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