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Bile acids

Links to Fatty Liver Disease Discovered

A new study published in Chinese Medical Journal points to two new possible contributors to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) — bile acids and lipid ...
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Acupuncture Helps Ward Off Diabetes

Acupuncture, used for centuries to heal a range of health problems, may be just what the doctor ordered for one of today’s most common medical ...
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A Handful of Peanuts Takes Off the Pounds

Here’s a simple weight-loss tip for your patients — eat some peanuts every day. Adults with moderate-to-high risk of diabetes were able to lose weight, ...
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Cardiovascular Disease

For Heart Patients, Too Little Salt Isn’t Always a Good Thing

When it comes to diet advice for heart health, we’ve all heard the same thing — reduce your sodium intake. Turns out, that may not ...
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Fatty Liver Disease Ups Dementia Risk

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) — a buildup of fat cells in the liver — affects up to 25% of people worldwide and is the ...
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B Vitamins and Erectile Dysfunction
B Vitamins and Erectile Dysfunction

The Role of Homocysteine and B Vitamins in Erectile Dysfunction

How B Vitamins Can Be Transformative for Erection Quality in Individuals Poorly Responsive to Phosphodiesterase Type-5 Inhibitors. Numerous studies have shown a relationship between homocysteine ...
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Sleeping with the Lights On Spells Trouble

Sleeping in the dark may make you healthier, according to a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers found that just one ...
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NAD+ Study Shows How the Supplement Slows the Aging Process in Werner Syndrome

A new study on NAD+ adds insight into the aging process and how this particular supplement assists the body in cleaning up aging cells. Researchers ...
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Berberine: The Natural Antidote to Metabolic Derangement?

Berberine, an orangish-yellow alkaloid found at high levels in the bark and root structures of many ground-covering shrubs, has an extensive history of use as ...
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gut brain axis

IBS and Dysbiosis: It’s Time to Tend Your Garden

Your gut is home to an estimated 100 trillion microorganisms. They include bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoans, amoebas, and their genetic information. Collectively this is known ...
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