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Ashwagandha Boosts Sexual Function in Women

Ashwagandha helps improve sexual function and desire in women, according to a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study in the journal Cureus. Estimates show that 40 percent of women report poor sexual function, enough to impact their quality of life. Thanks to new findings, there is a potential new treatment option withRead

Ashwagandha Shown to Boost Testosterone

In Ayurveda, ashwagandha is extremely popular for promoting youthful energy, longevity, and overall well-being, especially in men. In Sanskrit, ashwagandha is loosely translated to “like a horse,” which underscores the herb’s strength- and stamina-building powers. According to a new study in Health Science Reports, ashwagandha root extract (KSM-66) was shownRead


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