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GLP-1 Agonists: Support Protocol

A comprehensive plan for patients taking GLP-1s is crucial—no matter how you feel about it.   When GLP-1 agonists first hit the market, frustrated Americans eagerly embraced them as a miracle cure for weight loss, obesity and diabetes. Since then, the use of GLP-1s has skyrocketed, with some data showingRead

Cardiovascular Care and Endothelial Health

Protecting endothelial function is central to a comprehensive cardiovascular care protocol—here’s how ubiquinol helps.   With the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases on the rise, heart health remains a growing concern for practitioners. Over the past three decades, cardiovascular-related deaths have been steadily increasing, and in 2021, heart diseaseRead

Maintaining the Brain

Designing an evidence-based protocol for patients, with supplements proven to protect cognitive function, promote brain fitness and enhance overall quality of life.   As the command center for the nervous system, the human brain coordinates thoughts, emotions, movement and memory, essentially regulating every facet of daily life.  “The brain isRead

Pain Relief: Beyond NSAIDs

Creating a comprehensive pain-management protocol with safe, science-backed botanicals and nutrients   Pain is an inevitable, even normal, part of life. But when pain lingers, lasting for months or years, it’s devastating to your patients’ well-being. What’s worse, it may have no apparent cause—making it frustrating and nearly impossible toRead

Addressing the Pervasive Dangers of Stress

Chronic stress is linked with a range of serious diseases—how CBD can ease stress and anxiety, enhance sleep, support immunity and promote overall wellness. Stress isn’t just inconvenient or unpleasant—it affects every aspect of the human body, playing a pivotal role in anxiety disorders, mood disruptions, sleep disturbances, immune issuesRead

AHCC: Powerful Immune Support

This concentrated blend of bioactive compounds harnesses the power of medicinal mushrooms, in a natural supplement with proven benefits.   Widely recognized for their immunosupportive properties, shiitakes and other mushrooms have been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote health and vitality and enhance longevity. AHCCRead

Beyond Energy: The Role of Mitochondria in Vital Aging

How maintaining mitochondrial wellness supports cellular function, offsets declines and helps your patients live longer and better Why do we age? While explanations of biological aging range from telomere shortening and epigenetic malfunctions to inflammaging, current theories essentially fall into one of two categories. Programmed theories suggest aging adheres toRead

Connective Tissue Wellness and Healthy Aging

Why connective tissue and collagen are essential for vital aging, and how evidence-based supplements can keep your patients healthy and strong throughout the years.   Connective tissue health is a critical but underestimated aspect of aging, often taking a back seat to factors like diet and exercise. But connective tissueRead


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