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Surviving Seasonal Allergies

As spring approaches, tree pollen counts soar–and so does the influx of patients with congestion, itching, sneezing and watery, irritated eyes. Inflammation plays a prominent role in the development and progression of those aggravating symptoms, and research suggests herbs, supplements and nutrients can modulate inflammation, stabilize mast cells, reduce histamineRead

Willow Bark: More Than Pain Relief

Willow bark has been used for thousands of years to treat pain and inflammation in both China and Europe. It’s so effective, in fact, that its active pain-reliving constituent, salicin, was used to develop aspirin in the 19th century. Today, the venerable plant is still used to treat lower backRead

TCM Outperforms Conventional Drug for Kids’ Respiratory Infections

A team of Chinese researchers found that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was more effective at treating recurrent respiratory tract infections (RRTIs) in children compared to a commonly used drug.  Study Details Published in a recent issue of Pediatric Investigation, the study focused on Yupingfeng (YPF), a patented Chinese herbal formulaRead

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra): Setting the Record Straight


By Jessie Hawkins, PhD/ Elderberries–dark purple berries from the Sambucus nigra plant–have become a universal natural remedy for respiratory complaints such as the common cold and seasonal influenza (Roxas, 2007; Blumenthal, 2003). Native to northern Europe, the elderberry has a centuries-long history of medicinal use. Since the onset of theRead


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