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9 Ways to Earn Your Patient’s Lifetime Value

lifetime value

I retract a previous post: building a subscriber list isn’t the foremost marketing tactic for growing an integrative medicine practice or brand. Unequivocally, that distinction belongs to securing customer loyalty, in turn, driving patient lifetime value. According to Wikipedia, customer lifetime value—what we’ll refer to as patient lifetime value (PLV)—predictsRead

Could Blood Proteins Be the Future of Diagnostics?

blood protein

Blood proteins could be the future to provide a comprehensive ‘liquid health check’ to assess health and predict the likelihood of a range of diseases, according to research published in Nature Medicine from Cambridge University. The researchers believe that the rise and application of ‘big data’ in healthcare, assessing andRead

Elizabeth “Liza” Goldblatt, PhD, MPA/HA Honored with AIHM’s Change-Maker Award: 8 Leaders Offer Gratitude

How about a research department at an acupuncture and Oriental medicine school? Let’s partner with mainstream academic institutions and go after NIH grants!  Wouldn’t it be terrific to have an organization that could give voice to all the licensed complementary and integrative health professions in dialogues they could not enterRead

Patients Are Consumers: Ignoring that Fact is Futile

patients are consumers

In a recent Medscape editorial, noted bioethicist Art Caplan, PhD remarked on a published commentary by Hastings scholars in Health Affairs titled ‘Patient-Centered Care, Yes; Patients As Consumers, No’. Medscape followed up on the assertions in the published commentary by polling its physician and nurse readers for feedback—results strongly evidencedRead

Functional Medicine Model of Care Improves Quality-of-Life Outcomes

functional medicine

In the first retrospective cohort study of the functional medicine model, Cleveland Clinic researchers found that functional medicine was associated with improvements in health-related quality of life. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open. The two-year study examined 1,595 patients treated in ClevelandRead


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