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Biotics Research Corporation

B Vitamins & Metabolic Syndrome

Results of a longitudinal prospective cohort study were recently published in JAMA Network, detailing the associations between total B vitamin intake and incidence of metabolic syndrome (Met-S). ...
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Nutritional Medicine

Nutritional Medicine Resource Center The Significance of Silicon Naturally present in the human body, silicon is integral for optimal collagen production, supporting the health of ...
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Cognitive Function

Physical Activity Anytime During Adulthood Protects Cognition

Numerous studies show that regular physical activity helps ward off dementia and other neurological problems. Now a study in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & ...
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Gut Microbiome

Spring Clean Your Microbiota: Trillions of Tiny Lives That Influence Your Health

Emerging research suggests that the microbiota influences many aspects of wellbeing, far beyond digestive and immune health. Nurturing these trillions of tiny lives requires a ...
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Botanical Medicine

New Active Compounds in Lion’s Mane Enhance Brain Health & Memory

Lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus) has been prized for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine for its brain- and health-boosting properties. Now researchers from The University of ...
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amla extract

Amla Extract Aids Type 2 Diabetics with Dyslipidemia

An extract of amla fruit (Emblica officinalis), also called Indian gooseberry, was shown to benefit type 2 diabetics with dyslipidemia, according to a new study ...
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Biofilms — A Contributor to Chronic, Degenerative Disease

From the plaque on our teeth to the mucosal layers in the gut lumen, biofilms are everywhere in our environment — and they are a ...
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Biotics Research Corporation

Obesity – An Obesogen Review

The second installment in a 3-part series focusing on obesity was recently published in Biochemical Pharmacology, largely devoted to examining the evidence for the obesogen hypothesis, i.e., the ...
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Kidney Disease

Omega-3s Lower Risk of Kidney Disease

Omega-3 fatty acids from seafood and oily fish — not plants — are linked with a reduced risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and a ...
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To Slow Aging, Drink More Water

Water makes up 60 percent of the human body and we cannot live without it, yet so many of us do not get enough. Now, ...
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