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body mass index

Curcumin Benefits Body Mass Index & More

A new meta-research review in the Journal of Functional Foods shows that supplementing with curcumin can help decrease body mass index, waist circumference, fasting blood ...
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Before and After: Exercise Is Key to Covid Recovery

Patients who were more physically active before catching COVID-19 experienced a reduced risk of severe outcomes, according to a study in the American Journal of ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Micronutrients That Do and Don’t Help Your Heart

Researchers have pinpointed specific antioxidant supplements that offer heart-protective benefits, according to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.  Healthy ...
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Cardiovascular Disease

Not Everyone Benefits From High HDL

A National Institutes of Health-supported study found that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, known as “good cholesterol,” may not be as effective as scientists once believed ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Iron Fuels Chronic Heart Failure

A multi-institution study published in Nature Communications reveals that iron drives fatty tissue formation in the heart and leads to chronic heart failure in roughly ...
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cold-water bathing

Icy Swims Reduce Body Fat, Diabetes Risk

Taking a cold-water swim may reduce “bad” body fat in men and lower the odds developing diabetes, according to a major scientific review published in ...
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Biotics Research

Lipid Energy Model

A large body of evidence supports the use of very low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets for weight loss, reversing metabolic syndrome, putting type 2 diabetes into remission, ...
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Lifestyle Medicine

Muscle-Strengthening Activities Lead to a Longer Life

A new study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine makes a strong case for muscle-strengthening activities. According to the research team, who investigated data ...
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A Handful of Peanuts Takes Off the Pounds

Here’s a simple weight-loss tip for your patients — eat some peanuts every day. Adults with moderate-to-high risk of diabetes were able to lose weight, ...
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Botanical Medicine

Cocoa Capsules Lower Blood Pressure

For people with existing hypertension, capsules containing cocoa flavanols helped reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness, according to a small study in Frontiers in Nutrition. ...
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