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Embryonic Stem Cells Safe & Tolerated for Macular Degeneration

New research published in The Lancet provides the first evidence of the medium-term to long-term safety and tolerability of transplanting human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) ...
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Men’s Health Sheds Fills Health Gender Gap

Marriage is good for men's health, according the the latest National Health Interview Survey. It's not surprising that spouses encourage men to see the doctor ...
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High-Protein Animal Diets as Risky as Smoking for Longevity

High protein diets are more popular than ever for satiety and weight loss. But do they help us live longer? This new study may surprise ...
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Naked Mole Rat, “You are My Detox Hero,” by Kara Fitzgerald, ND

There’s no disputing naked mole rats are hideous. They’re beady-eyed, hairless, with massive protruding front teeth. They are so ugly we didn't want to post ...
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Mobile Technology

Dear Doctor, #PleaseTextMe

Reminder: Plz take your meds. How r u feeling 2day? These aren't texts from Mom, they are from physicians. Text messaging in health care started ...
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Unani Medicine

Unani Medical Theory in Principle, Part 2 of 3—The Vis Medicatrix Naturae

Doctors of Unani medicine can visualize the state of a patient’s subtle body (jism al-latīf) properly only through the eye of the heart (ayn al-qalb), ...
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Cardiovascular Disease

Using a Complementary Herbal Therapy in Heart Failure

Many patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) experience impaired quality of life (QOL) and would be willing to take an additional safe medication to gain ...
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