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What is a Medical Food for IBS?

Probiotics are commonly used dietary supplements for occasional digestive disorders. But you should know — not all products are the same. If you live with ...
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What to Eat When You Have IBS or Digestive Issues

We’ve all heard the expression, “You are what you eat.” A healthy diet is one of the pillars of good health. The right foods help ...
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Congratulations to Omni Biotic on Winning NutraIngredient’s Probiotic of the Year, 2021

Today’s Practitioner congratulates Omni Biotic for receiving the Nutraingredients USA, Probiotic of the Year, 2021. AllergoSan USA’s Omni-Biotic Stress Release psychobiotic was recognized as Nutraingredients ...
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Multi-Species Probiotics and Multi-drug Resistance Gram-Negative Bacteria

Drug resistance among the elderly is common, particularly for residents in long-term care facilities. Multi-species probiotics may provide a solution for patients prone to repeated ...
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Sexual Health

Erectile Dysfunction and The Role of Nitric Oxide

A Look at the Role Nitric Oxide Plays in Erectile Function and Nutritional Tools to Improve its Production. By far, the most common concern that ...
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blood sugar dips
blood sugar dips and weight loss

Unexpected Blood Sugar Dips May Explain Why Weight Loss is So Difficult for Some People

New research shows that people who experience big blood sugar dips, several hours after eating, end up feeling hungrier and consuming hundreds more calories during ...
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Nutrition Education
Dr Kristine Gedroic

Dr. Neal Barnard and other Physicians Call for Peers to Get Nutrition Education

“Nutrition knowledge is essential for today’s physicians,” according to a JAMA Internal Medicine commentary written by Neal Barnard, MD, president of the Physicians Committee for ...
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anxiety symptoms
FODMAP for anxiety

Non-Probiotics Associated with Improved Anxiety Symptoms Over Just Probiotics

On Today’s Practitioner, we’ve been a champion of reporting on the importance of regulating gut bacteria for mood disorders (see our Mood and Microbiome Resource ...
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Gut Microbiome

Are Infectious Complications Following Probiotics an Underestimated Problem?

Probiotics seem to be everywhere. From dietary supplements to chocolate bars, these products are designed to improve one’s microbiome. Yet, there have been few serious ...
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autism, probiotics, pregnancy

Microbiota-Mediated Regulation of the Immune System in a Prenatal Immune Activation Model of Autism

In what is being described as cutting-edge research, published in the Journal of Immunology, scientists from the University of Virginia School of Medicine suggest that ...
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