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Nutritional Medicine

Nutritional Medicine Resource Center Vitamin D Supplements May Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Events Australian researchers, writing in The BMJ, found that people who took vitamin ...
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Practice Management

Commentary: Strategic Tax Planning for Physicians

In the United States, physicians are paid on a higher-end as compared to the professionals working in other industries. However, since you earn more, you ...
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Sleep: Your Night Job

Any health news junkie can see that the importance of sleep has come to center stage. Our collective interest in this shut-eye time grew when studies ...
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Gut Microbiome

Research-Backed Ingredients to Support Mood Balance

Love Your Happy Place The human microbiota consists of trillions of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and others. The vast majority, around 70%, of ...
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Alzheimer’s disease

Too Little Choline Is Linked with Alzheimer’s

The research on choline’s brain-boosting benefits keeps building. In the latest study from Aging Cell, researchers have linked a deficiency in this vitamin-like nutrient with ...
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Nutritional Medicine

Melatonin – more than a hormone for sleep

In recent years, melatonin has become one of the world’s most popular dietary supplements – a fact some may attribute to an increase in screen ...
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Mental Health

NAC May Help Boost Motivation by Addressing Oxidative Stress

Getting and staying motivated is hard for many people. In fact, it is such a frequent problem that scientists have invested much time and research ...
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blue light therapy

Blue Light Therapy Helps PTSD Sufferers

People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experienced better sleep, a reduction in the severity of symptoms, and more effective treatments after exposure to blue light ...
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Picky Eaters vs. Sensory Eaters in Neurodiverse Children

Most young children go through food jags — periods of picky eating where they will only eat one food or a small selection of foods ...
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Biotics Research

Environmental Pollutants & the Microbiome

In a recently published Frontiers in Medicine review, the bidirectional interactions between environmental toxicants and the gut microbiota were examined, highlighting the complex relationship between ...
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