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The Glymphatic System, Shoden Ashwagandha and the Dynamic Interplay of Sleep and Aging

In order to fully understand the role of sleep as it relates to aging, its necessary to embark on an in-depth exploration of the intricate ...
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Young Americans Will Spend Half Their Lives Taking Prescription Drugs

It’s no secret that Americans take a lot of prescription drugs. But a new study published in the journal Demography helps put that idea into ...
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Diagnostic Testing

Researchers Develop Test to Measure Blood Levels of Omega-3s

While the human body can generate most of the fats it needs, it cannot produce adequate levels of omega-3 fatty acids and must obtain them ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Study Sheds Light on Postmenopausal Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation—an irregular, often very rapid, heart rhythm—is a serious condition that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure, or other cardiovascular complications. It ...
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CBD and Its Role in Calming Stress

Fear, stress, and anxiety are normal responses triggered when the body perceives threats to survival. However, in modern times, we encounter situations such as deadlines ...
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Botanical Medicine

What Is The Endocannabinoid System and Why Should You Care About It?

Chapter 1 from 2018 Edition: The statements mentioned in this content have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to prevent, diagnosis, ...
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Longevity Resource Center

Longevity Resource Center / Featured / The Most Overlooked Underlying Cause of Joint Dysfunction: Senescent Cells Senescent cells, colloquially known as “zombie cells,” have emerged ...
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Diagnostic Testing

Genetics, Genomics and Personalized Medicine: using recent advances in genetic testing to personalize treatment protocols.

Of the many advances in modern medicine, few are as exciting and promising as those in the field of genetics and genomics. Emerging technology and ...
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Diagnostic Testing

Skillful Lab Selection for Complex Gut-Brain Axis Issues

Diagnostic tests are a vital part of any practitioner’s protocol. A carefully curated set of labs can provide valuable information, pinpoint specific areas of dysfunction ...
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Diagnostic Testing

Neuroinflammation and the Gut-Brain Connection

Join Dr. Dan Kalish as he explains how the GI-MAP® and the OMX® Organic Metabolomics tests provide insight into neuroinflammation and the gut-brain connection. Dr. Kalish discusses the most ...
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