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Understanding Long Covid and an Effective Protocol from Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

In this episode, we talk with Jacob Teitelbaum, MD about long covid and a treatment protocol he is using to improve the quality of life ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Another Reason to Give Up Meat

The idea that eating less meat can improve cardiovascular health certainly isn’t new. Studies have found that people who eat less meat—especially less red meat—have ...
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Diagnostic Testing

Researchers Develop Test to Measure Blood Levels of Omega-3s

While the human body can generate most of the fats it needs, it cannot produce adequate levels of omega-3 fatty acids and must obtain them ...
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Biotics Research

SIBO & NAFLD – Cause, Effect or Bystander?

A recent review published in Nutrients examines the relationship between small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This relationship has gained research attention, as a growing ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Losing Weight Can Promote Heart Health Even if Some Weight Is Regained

It’s no secret that excess weight is a killer. Overweight and obese people are at increased risk for high cholesterol and high blood pressure, two ...
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amla extract

Amla Extract Aids Type 2 Diabetics with Dyslipidemia

An extract of amla fruit (Emblica officinalis), also called Indian gooseberry, was shown to benefit type 2 diabetics with dyslipidemia, according to a new study ...
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blood sugar management

Glucomannan Helps Control Type 2 Diabetes

Glucomannan supplements made from konjac root improve several markers for type 2 diabetes, according to a study in Nutrients. Previous analyses on glucomannan show that ...
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To Slow Aging, Drink More Water

Water makes up 60 percent of the human body and we cannot live without it, yet so many of us do not get enough. Now, ...
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body mass index

Curcumin Benefits Body Mass Index & More

A new meta-research review in the Journal of Functional Foods shows that supplementing with curcumin can help decrease body mass index, waist circumference, fasting blood ...
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Biotics Research

The Gout & Insulin Connection

Word is starting to spread that even in people whose blood glucose is within a healthy range, chronically elevated insulin can be a major factor in cardiometabolic ...
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