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Artificial Sweetener

Link Between Artificial Sweeteners and Diabetes

Pink, yellow, or blue? Each of these non-caloric sweeteners may be contributing to the global epidemic of diabetes. The study published in Nature today (Sept. ...
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Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Chronic Disease

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Chronic Disease: Treatment With Natural Supplements

It is well known among researchers that mitochondrial genetic or primary mitochondrial disorders contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction as well as secondary or acquired degenerative disorders. ...
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Breastfeeding & Intestinal Microbiota in Infants

It is well known that breastfeeding contributes to an infant's immune health. But a new study shows that breastfeeding also has a significant impact on ...
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chronic inflammation
Drug Safety

Put the Script Pad Down: FDA’s New Drug Approvals Pose Significant Risks

For every 100 new drugs introduced in the market, there have been 34 withdrawals or new black box warnings in the past 25 years. Since ...
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High-Protein Animal Diets as Risky as Smoking for Longevity

High protein diets are more popular than ever for satiety and weight loss. But do they help us live longer? This new study may surprise ...
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alpha-linolenic acid

Omega-3 & ALA Fatty Acids May Reduce Lou Gehrig’s Disease Risk

Omega-3 fatty acids may play a role in cutting one’s risk of fatal neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by one third, a new study ...
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Inadvertent Stereotyping Leads to Healthcare Disparities

Going to the doctor's office is a stress-inducing event for many people But for blacks, it can be particularly terrifying, because of something called negative ...
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Anti-Inflammatory Function of HDL Cholesterol

New Theory on Atherosclerosis: Massively Calcified Endosome Death

Larry Weisenthal, M.D., Ph.D., announced he has discovered a poorly understood underlying mechanism of atherosclerotic vascular disease. He claims this new research explains how atherosclerotic ...
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Detox Resource Centre

Welcome to the Detox Learning Centre Hosted by Food + Spirit with Dr. Deanna Minich     New 21-Day Full-Spectrum Detox Program, March 2, 2015 “Detox” ...
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atopic dermatitis

Wet Wrap, a Drug-free Option for Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema

Parents are very reluctant to use steroids on their children's eczema, which is why they often request alternative therapies. Wet wrapping is one option. From ...
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