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fatty foods

Cravings for Fatty Foods Connected to Gut-Brain Axis

There is a new link between the gut-brain axis — and it appears to fuel our desire for fatty foods.   In a new study ...
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Brain Food: How to Optimize Nutrition for Neurodiverse Children

Supporting the behavioral, emotional, and physical demands of children on the neurodiverse spectrum requires a multifaceted approach which can sometimes feel overwhelming for parents or ...
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gut brain axis

Probiotics and Gut Microbiome Trigger Emotion and Mood Brain Signatures

Can probiotics alter the gut microbiome to shift emotion and mood brain signatures? The gut microbiota-brain axis plays an important role in gastrointestinal function and ...
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cognitive decline

Severe Covid May Cause the Brain to Age Faster

A new study underscores just how devastating Covid-19 can be on a person’s long-term health. Researchers from the Imperial College London and the University of ...
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Vitamin K2 May Help Aging Brains

Scientists continue to unravel the connection between cognitive function and vitamin K. In a recent rat study from Antioxidants, vitamin K2 was shown to offer ...
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Diet and Mental Health: What is the Evidence?

There has been a great deal of press lately on diet and mental health. A new expert review confirms that yes, diet significantly influences mental ...
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Diverticular Disease
gut brain axis

5 Effective Strategies for a Healthier Gut with IBS

Living with digestive challenges due to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can significantly impact your quality of life. Over-the-counter solutions like antacids, laxatives, and anti-diarrhea medicines ...
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DISCOVERY: Gut-Brain Vagus Nerve Study Shows Nerve Cells Detect What We Eat

Though we know about the importance of sensory neurons in gut-brain communication and how this relates to satiety and blood glucose regulation, just how these ...
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Probiotic Strains May Modulate Brain Processing

Could Specific Probiotic Strains Modulate Brain Processing and Connectivity?

Research show how probiotic strains modulate brain processing and connectivity The interconnection between the gut microbiome and brain interactions for neurotransmitter expression, neurodevelopment, and behavior ...
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COVID-19 and Long-term Brain Disorders, Alzheimer's
Cognitive Health

COVID and Long-Term Brain Disorders: What We Know & How to Learn More

As doctors begin to see more and more patients with long-term impact from the COVID-19 virus (so called long-haulers), it’s important to consider what we ...
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