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benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer screening
Men's Health

Pulsed Electromagenetic Field for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Physicians from Sapienza University in Rome have published promising results of a small prospective interventional trial using noninvasive pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) to treat ...
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Nobiletin, a Citrus Molecule, Reverses Insulin Resistance and Blood Fats: Mystery as to Why Remains

Researchers at Western University are studying a molecule found in sweet oranges and tangerines called nobiletin, which they have shown to drastically reduce obesity and ...
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Hydrogen as a Therapeutic Gas

Hydrogen as a Therapeutic Gas: The Science Behind the Bubble

Hydrogen may simultaneously be one of the most basic and broadly applicable therapies that exists. Having one proton and one electron, hydrogen is the simplest ...
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Hydrogen as a Novel Neuroprotectant

Hydrogen as a Novel Neuroprotectant

Because of its unique properties, one of the settings in which hydrogen (H2) has been extensively researched is central nervous system (CNS) disease. Due to ...
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caloric restriction

Secrets Behind Caloric Restriction and Aging

If you want to reduce levels of inflammation throughout the body, delay the onset of age-related diseases, and live longer, caloric restriction is essential. The ...
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Metabolic Syndrome

Fat Cells Sense Sunlight, which Supports a Healthy Metabolism

A headline like this sounds too strange to be true. Yes, fat cells deep under your skin can sense sunlight. And when bodies do not ...
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14-Hour Fasting Effective for Fending Off Diabetes and Heart Disease

Does fasting work to stave off metabolic syndrome, which affects nearly 30 percent of the U.S. population, and increases the risk for type 2 diabetes, ...
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Regular Fish Consumption Associated with Reduced Risk of Colon Cancer

A 2019 study published in the peer-reviewed journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology reported the results of a study on the association of fish and long ...
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tart cherry
Cognitive Health

Two Montmorency Tart Cherry Studies Show Promise for Memory and Serum Insulin Reduction

Montmorency tart cherry juice, made from the most abundant cherries in the United States, has long been coveted by gout sufferers, athletes for exercise recovery, ...
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Vitamin D: The Fat-Soluble Philharmonic

From reducing sports injuries to cardiovascular health, vitamin D is best described as the philharmonic conductor of fat soluble vitamins. The symphony of players for ...
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