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CASI 2017

Clinical and Scientific Insights on Hashimoto’s

In this Clinical and Scientific Insights CASI video, Izabella Wentz, Pharm D discusses Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,  the most common autoimmune condition worldwide. The rates are steadily ...
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Genoma International

Podcast: Ending the Confusion Between Genetics and Genomics

The era of genomic medicine has reached a tipping point.  Thousands of healthcare professionals in the US and around the world are using the concepts ...
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Tart Cherries for Peripheral Polyneuropathies
Cindy Alberta MD

Tart Cherries for Peripheral Polyneuropathies

The use of tart cherries for gout and joint pain has transitioned from a home remedy to a clinically supported treatment. In this study, published ...
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Detox, Todays Practitioner

CASE STUDY: Nutritional Aspects of Detoxification in Clinical Practice

In this case study, John Cline, MD discusses the nutritional aspects of detoxification, a vital cellular task that, if lacking, can lead to early morbidity ...
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Influenza A

Lomatium Dissectum Inhibits CXCL10, Linked to Influenza A

The Journal for Restorative Medicine shows that Lomatium dissectum may provide an option to for integrative care specialists for influenza A. The plant is native ...
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Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Chronic Disease

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Chronic Disease: Treatment With Natural Supplements

It is well known among researchers that mitochondrial genetic or primary mitochondrial disorders contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction as well as secondary or acquired degenerative disorders. ...
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Case Study: A Novel Approach to Thyroid and Adrenal Therapy

This case study represents a common problem for integrative-care physicians. Where do you start with a patient with multiple symptoms that may be complicated by ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Chronic Inflammation and the Western Diet

Chronic inflammation is the 21st century's leading health epidemic. It is the single common factor that contributes to the development and progression of chronic illnesses, ...
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Flavocoxid: Dual Inhibitor of Cyclooxegenase and 5-Lipoxegenase

Integrative medicine clinicians from various professional backgrounds and fields are encountering an ever-growing population of patients/clients suffering from acute and chronic pain conditions, many of ...
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Allesio Fasano

Why Joe Pizzorno Says You Need to Know Alessio Fasano, MD

It’s not often that you hear a doctor use words like “remarkable” and “most clinically important lectures ever,” when referring to a conference lecture. Those ...
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