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Part 2: Melatonin, Respiratory Health, and Infections

In Part 1, we take a look at the mechanisms by which melatonin may impact immune function and inflammation. Herein, we take a look at its impact on respiratory health in general and its anti-infective effects. Melatonin and Respiratory Health Melatonin has been shown to improve various markers of lungRead

Evolving Incomes, Services and Clinical Foci of Naturopathic Practices: Musings on the Graduate Success and Compensation Study

Virtually every corner of the medical industry houses an entangling drama between mission and money. There is the service, the need to make a living, and then the way making a living can transform into a production orientation dominated by the impulse to make more money. For integrative health andRead

Anticholinergic Drugs May Accelerate Cognitive Decline

anticholinergic drugs

A team of scientists, led by researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, report that anticholinergic drugs used for a broad array of conditions, from allergies and colds to hypertension and urinary incontinence, may be associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline, particularly in older adultsRead

Integrative Medicine Research Journal: Special COVID-19 Issue

The Sept. 2020 special edition of the Integrative Medicine Research Journal is dedicated exclusively to COVID-19 research. For your ease of use, we’ve compiled all the articles here in a list. Please click through to each article, all are open access. Editors Drs. Myeong SooLee, Eunhye Song write: “Given theseRead


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