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gut brain axis

Probiotics and Gut Microbiome Trigger Emotion and Mood Brain Signatures

Can probiotics alter the gut microbiome to shift emotion and mood brain signatures? The gut microbiota-brain axis plays an important role in gastrointestinal function and ...
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infant gut microbiome

Infant Gut Microbiome Colonizes only During and After Birth, Not Before, says Collaborative Study

It is well known that each person’s gut bacteria is vital for digestion and overall health, but when does that infant gut microbiome start? New ...
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Gut Microbiome

Active Vitamin D Levels Are Connected to Gut Microbiome in Male Adults

University of California San Diego researchers and collaborators recently demonstrated in older men that the makeup of a person’s gut microbiome is linked to their ...
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kidney cancer

Link between Gut Microbiome and Kidney Cancer Treatment Outcomes

Physicians at City of Hope, working in collaboration with scientists at Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), have found that greater gut microbial diversity in patients ...
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foods for gut microbiome
Gut Microbiome

Gut Microbiome May be Linked to Personality and Social Behavior

Could there be a day when we can blame or give credit to our gut microbiome for our social behavior? In recent years, there has ...
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Metabolic Syndrome

Compounds in Hops May Alter Gut Microbiome and Liver Acids to Address Metabolic Syndrome

Could hops be a new way to address metabolic syndrome? According to new research from Oregon State University, compounds in hops may combat metabolic syndrome ...
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gut microbiome
Crohn's disease

Mediterranean Diet Superior for Gut Microbiome and Addressing Crohn’s & IBS

Researchers from the University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands have found that certain foods including legumes, bread, fish, nuts, and wine are associated with a ...
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immunotherapies for cancer

Gut Microbiome Connected to Effectiveness of Immunotherapies for Cancer

A growing amount of research shows that the gut microbiome has a dramatic affect on anti-tumor immunity. Just how the intestinal microbiota limits tumor expansion ...
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Endurance Exercise Improves the Gut Microbiome

According to recent research, endurance exercise improves the gut microbiome by beneficially modifying gut microbiota composition. This new study shows that after six weeks of ...
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Link Between Gut Microbiome, Obesity, Diabetes, Depression and Anxiety

Like everyone, people with type 2 diabetes and obesity suffer from depression and anxiety, but even more so. Researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center now have ...
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