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Botanical Medicine

Multiple Human Studies Show Significant Weight-Loss Benefits for Amarasate, A Proprietary Extract of Bitter Hops

A trio of studies performed in the past 5 years shows that a proprietary hops extract called Amarasate can help curb hunger and food cravings. ...
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Botanical Medicine

Curcumin Supplements Show Weight-Loss Benefits

A research review in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that curcumin supplementation is associated with reductions in BMI, weight, and waist circumference.
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Circadian clocks

Eight-hours of Eating with 16-hour Fasting May be an Effective Weight-Loss Plan

Intermittent fasting is gaining in popularity as a weight loss plan and a way to reduce chronic illness. The most popular of such diets is ...
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Men's Health

Is the 3500-kcal calorie weight-loss model grossly flawed?

Can a weight loss of one pound a week be achieved with a 3500-kcal deficit? Commentary on a commonly accepted rule Published in the Int’l. ...
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Weight loss

Stopping GLP-1 Receptor Agonists… Why and How to Plan an “Exit Strategy” for Your Patients

In recent years, the pharmaceutical landscape has seen the emergence of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists (RAs) such as semaglutide and tirzepatide, offering promising outcomes ...
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Weight loss

Amarasate, An Extract of Bitter Hop Flowers Shown Effective For Weight Loss: The Science And Mode Of Action

With the massive interest in the use of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists for the management of both Type 2 diabetes and obesity/overweight, it is ...
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Herbal Medicine Resource Center

Herbal Medicine Resource Center / Recent Posts / Ashwagandha: An Overview of the Research and Clinical Indications As a part of the Ayurvedic herbal tradition, ...
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Weight loss

The New Wave of Weight Loss

Blending pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and integrative approaches for safe, sustainable weight loss that works. Of all the challenges encountered by practitioners, helping patients achieve and maintain ...
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Botanical Medicine

Curcumin May Hold the Key for Colon Cancer Treatment

A study published in the journal Nature shows that curcumin, an active compound in the curry spice turmeric, can suppress the metastasis of colorectal cancer ...
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Kidney/Liver Health

Traditional Japanese Diet May Benefit NAFLD Patients

A study published in Nutrients shows that a diet comprising soy products, seafood, and other Japanese staples may benefit people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ...
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