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The Cholesterol Myth: Why Doctors are Becoming More Skeptical About Cholesterol Numbers

What is the cholesterol myth? Our content partners at WholeFoods magazine shared two articles with us that deserve more attention about why the medical establishments’ reliance on cholesterol numbers may not be telling patient and practitioner what they need to know about cardiovascular disease risk. We’ve collected excerpts of theRead

Applications for Osteopathic Medicine in Medical Schools up more than 18 Percent

Demonstrating the continuing growth and appeal of osteopathic medicine, the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) today reported that a record number of applications have been received during this current cycle. With several months still to go until the deadline, AACOM has received more than 24,000 applications, whichRead

Researchers Track Coronavirus Genetic Mutations

A study involving more than 5,000 COVID-19 patients in Houston finds that the virus that causes the disease is accumulating genetic mutations, one of which may have made it more contagious. According to the paper published in the peer-reviewed journal mBIO, that mutation, called D614G, is located in the spikeRead

Vitamin B3 May Protect Skin Cells from UV Exposure

Research presented at European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) 29th Congress/EADV Virtual (Oct 30-31, 2020), shows promise that a form of vitamin B3 (nicotinamide, NAM) could protect skin cells from the effects of ultraviolet (UV) exposure: the main risk factor for non-melanoma skin cancers (1). Researchers in Italy isolatedRead


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