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Case Study: Holistic Approach to Chronic Inflammation

chronic inflammation

In this case study by Gloria Hettige, PhD from our partners at Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal, a patient was faced with chronic inflammation for number of years, unable to work and mostly bed bound, this fifty- two year old woman decided to look elsewhere for answers after exhausting allRead

Rapidly Tracking Infectious Exposures & Interactions During Pandemic

tracking infectious exposure

 In response to the urgent need to efficiently assess infectious exposures and assist with operating medical surge sites, Prompt.Health (an Infinite Leap company), provider of easy and affordable real-time technology solutions, has released rapid deployment kits for Contact Tracing and Medical Surge Site Visibility solutions. These COVID-19 Emergency Response SolutionsRead

Add Your Clinical Protocols & Observations to the Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Health and Medicine COVID-19 Support Registry

We are at an unprecedented time in medical history with the COVID-19 pandemic. The frontlines of care include physicians and care providers of all backgrounds, including allopathic, complementary and integrative medicine. It is imperative that physicians share their knowledge with one another on the interventions being used to build immuneRead

LANCET: Comprehensive COVID-19 Hospitalization and Death Rate Estimates

March 30, 2020 – Press statement from Lancet on COVID-19 hospitalization and death rates. The following are the first comprehensive estimates from mainland China of the proportion of people with coronavirus (COVID-19) who required hospitalization, and latest death rate estimates – both show sharp increases with age. Nearly one-in-five over-80sRead


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