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CBD and Its Role in Calming Stress

Fear, stress, and anxiety are normal responses triggered when the body perceives threats to survival. However, in modern times, we encounter situations such as deadlines ...
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Botanical Medicine

What Is The Endocannabinoid System and Why Should You Care About It?

Chapter 1 from 2018 Edition: The statements mentioned in this content have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to prevent, diagnosis, ...
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Intermittent Fasting Improves Alzheimer’s Pathology

A study published in Cell Metabolism found that mice on time-restricted feeding schedules had better memory and less accumulation of amyloid proteins in the brain. ...
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Phytosterol Supplements May Slow Hearing Loss

In a study published in the journal PLOS Biology, Argentinian researchers show that common phytosterol supplements can help slow age-related hearing loss in mice.
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Children's Health

Nutrition Shown to Improve Vision in Preterm Infants

In a study published in The Lancet Regional Health Europe, Swedish researchers found that preterm infants who received fatty acid supplementation had better vision by ...
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A Journey into the World of BPC-157 and DHH-B: Two Clinical Wonders

Introduction: In the realm of medicine, discoveries that hold the promise of healing and transformation often emerge from nature’s bountiful offerings. Among such treasures, BPC-157 ...
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Routine Vaccinations May Reduce Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

In a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, scientists found a reduced risk of dementia among people who received common vaccines, such as ...
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Nutritional Medicine

The Toxic Nutrient Triad A little: good. Just a little more: bad

Most clinicians are familiar with the concept that when a little is good, more is often better, but a lot is still reliably toxic. This ...
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Diagnostic Testing

Genetics, Genomics and Personalized Medicine: using recent advances in genetic testing to personalize treatment protocols.

Of the many advances in modern medicine, few are as exciting and promising as those in the field of genetics and genomics. Emerging technology and ...
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Diagnostic Testing

Skillful Lab Selection for Complex Gut-Brain Axis Issues Diagnostic tests are a vital part of any practitioner’s protocol. A carefully curated set of labs can ...
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