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Supplement May Fight Acute Leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the most common form of blood and bone marrow cancer among adults, is known for its rapid progression and resistance to ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Heart Failure or Therapy Failure? Toxins Cause Cardiomyopathy

Because cardiomyopathy presenting as clinical heart failure is a condition typically involving multiple factors, there is no single clinical protocol that can be considered the ...
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Foundational Nutrition

Beyond a Backup Plan: Why a multi may be more important than you think.

Recommending a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement may be part of your standard practice, as an insurance policy to fill in nutritional gaps. But a ...
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Immune Health Resource Center

Immune Health Resource Center / Recent Posts / Before the bugs hit: protect your patients with science-backed supplements shown to enhance immunity. Given the continuing ...
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Nutritional Medicine

The Toxic Nutrient Triad A little: good. Just a little more: bad

Most clinicians are familiar with the concept that when a little is good, more is often better, but a lot is still reliably toxic. This ...
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Botanical Medicine

Study Finds Most Saw Palmetto Supplements Fall Short

A study in the Journal of Urology Open Plus found that only 7 out of 28 saw palmetto supplements met the potency standards to address ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Micronutrients That Do and Don’t Help Your Heart

Researchers have pinpointed specific antioxidant supplements that offer heart-protective benefits, according to a meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.  Healthy ...
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Foundational Nutrition

Key Vitamins and Minerals for Reproductive Health

A Look at the Research Behind Selenium, Zinc, Folate and Vitamin B12 as They Pertain to Reproductive Health. The age at which we elect to ...
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blood sugar dips
Immune Health

Widespread Nutrient Shortfalls May Increase the Risk of Infections

Ideally, a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet, including a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and healthy fats can meet all of one’s daily requirements ...
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Gastrointestinal Health

PART 2: The Pervasive Misuderstanding of What the FODMAP Diet Does and Doesn’t Do

The exaggerated confidence given to the FODMAP diet, that it has the ability to favorably alter the intestinal microbiota, starve out organisms, or alter the ...
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