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Cardiovascular Disease

Not Everyone Benefits From High HDL

A National Institutes of Health-supported study found that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, known as “good cholesterol,” may not be as effective as scientists once believed ...
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Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Increases Muscle Insulin Sensitivity in Prediabetic Women

Among various anti-aging health products, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has been gaining attention as a promising anti-aging product. Mitochondrial decay, which is responsible for aging, can ...
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Mental Health

NAC May Help Boost Motivation by Addressing Oxidative Stress

Getting and staying motivated is hard for many people. In fact, it is such a frequent problem that scientists have invested much time and research ...
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blue light therapy

Blue Light Therapy Helps PTSD Sufferers

People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experienced better sleep, a reduction in the severity of symptoms, and more effective treatments after exposure to blue light ...
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High Blood Pressure and Dementia – There Is a Strong Link

Controlling high blood pressure later in life slashes the risk of dementia, according to a study in the European Heart Journal. While other trials have ...
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Does Fiber Make IBD Worse?

Eat more fiber — patients with irritable bowel disease (IBD) hear it all the time from well-meaning experts. But what if that advice is wrong, ...
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cold-water bathing

Icy Swims Reduce Body Fat, Diabetes Risk

Taking a cold-water swim may reduce “bad” body fat in men and lower the odds developing diabetes, according to a major scientific review published in ...
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Picky Eaters vs. Sensory Eaters in Neurodiverse Children

Most young children go through food jags — periods of picky eating where they will only eat one food or a small selection of foods ...
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Biotics Research

Environmental Pollutants & the Microbiome

In a recently published Frontiers in Medicine review, the bidirectional interactions between environmental toxicants and the gut microbiota were examined, highlighting the complex relationship between ...
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Lifestyle Medicine

Muscle-Strengthening Activities Lead to a Longer Life

A new study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine makes a strong case for muscle-strengthening activities. According to the research team, who investigated data ...
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