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Study Uncovers Link Between Gut Health and Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s, with more than 90,000 new cases diagnosed in the U.S. each year and more ...
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Effective Ways to Support Teen Gut Health

Teenagers experience rapid physical and mental changes. The microbiota and gut-brain axis play a crucial role in their health and wellbeing. However, diet, stress, and ...
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Neurological Disorders

The Best Diet for Brain Health?

The so-called Mediterranean diet—which focuses mainly on fresh vegetables, fish, whole grains, and olive oil—has received a lot of press in recent years for its ...
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The ADHD Happy Gut Patient Guide

Introduction: In the early 20th century, a number of isolated studies discovered a relationship between the diet and mental health. Now, over one hundred years ...
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Leaky Gut and IBS: Is There a Connection?

Leaky gut syndrome might sound like something from a science fiction movie, but it’s a real condition that affects your digestive tract. Leaky gut is ...
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Diverticular Disease
gut brain axis

5 Effective Strategies for a Healthier Gut with IBS

Living with digestive challenges due to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can significantly impact your quality of life. Over-the-counter solutions like antacids, laxatives, and anti-diarrhea medicines ...
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autisic children

Autistic Children Show Underdeveloped Range & Volume of Gut Bacteria

As small study from the journal Gut sheds light on the bacterial composition of the gut in autistic children. Researchers say the gut bacteria is ...
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Probiotic Strains May Modulate Brain Processing

Could Specific Probiotic Strains Modulate Brain Processing and Connectivity?

Research show how probiotic strains modulate brain processing and connectivity The interconnection between the gut microbiome and brain interactions for neurotransmitter expression, neurodevelopment, and behavior ...
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foods for gut microbiome
Gut Microbiome

Gut Microbiome May be Linked to Personality and Social Behavior

Could there be a day when we can blame or give credit to our gut microbiome for our social behavior? In recent years, there has ...
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blue light
Cognitive Health

Early morning exposure to blue light can help the healing process for mild traumatic brain injury

Though exposure to blue light gets bad press, new research shows that the timing of the exposure can be beneficial. Early morning blue light exposure ...
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