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Cognitive Health

A Precision Treatment Approach to Cognitive Decline Using Highly Targeted Genomics

With decades of experimentation and hundreds of clinical trials, there is still no drug that has been developed that has been shown to improve memory ...
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The Fertility Diet: Foods and Supplements That Support Fertility

A healthy diet is important throughout the lifecycle. For women of childbearing age, optimizing nutrition supports reproductive health and can significantly improve their chances of ...
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gut brain axis

Signs of Gut-Brain Imbalance: What You need to Know

A growing body of research indicates that the gut-brain axis plays a significant role in mental health. Gain insight into this intricate interplay between the ...
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Botanical Medicine

The Treatment Protocol I Used to Lower My BP: A Personal Case Report by Robert Lamberton, BSc, FNTP

Recently I decided to check my blood pressure which I had not done for a while. My BP has always been pretty good throughout my ...
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Vagus Nerve Treatment for COVID Loss of Taste and Smell

Treating the vagus nerve shown to restore taste and smell lost due to COVID
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Sleep: Your Night Job

Any health news junkie can see that the importance of sleep has come to center stage. Our collective interest in this shut-eye time grew when studies ...
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Medical Intuition

Medical Intuitives in Healthcare: Results of a National Survey

Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP, Maria T. Gentile, DO, MS, CHOM, CMIP, and Tiffany Barsotti, MTh, PhD The use of medical intuition has been recorded in ...
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Nutrients That Support Neurodiverse Minds

All children need a wide range of nutrients to help them grow and develop. Ideally, these should come from a well-balanced diet. However, children with ...
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Nicotinamide Mononucleotide NMN: what you need to know

Chronic disease in the United States, already highly prevalent, is expected to worsen over the next several decades among all age groups. Chronic diseases are ...
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Sleep and Relaxation Support
Allergy Research Group

Eight Supplements for Sleep and Relaxation Support

As mentioned in previous articles, phosphatidylserine, ashwagandha, and melatonin, provide a wide array of nutraceuticals with evidence that backs their use for sleep and relaxation ...
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