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Botanical Medicine

Black Elderberry Extract Promotes Optimal Gut Health

Elderberry often gets pigeonholed as an “immune herb,” but groundbreaking new research in the Journal of Personalized Medicine shows that this polyphenol-rich berry also demonstrates ...
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Biotics Research

Environmental Pollutants & the Microbiome

In a recently published Frontiers in Medicine review, the bidirectional interactions between environmental toxicants and the gut microbiota were examined, highlighting the complex relationship between ...
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Sugar Changes the Microbiome & Fuels Metabolic Disease

A new mice study in the journal Cell helps explain how a high-sugar, high-fat Western-style diet disrupts the gut microbiome, increasing the risk of metabolic ...
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Leaky Gut and IBS: Is There a Connection?

Leaky gut syndrome might sound like something from a science fiction movie, but it’s a real condition that affects your digestive tract. Leaky gut is ...
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White Paper: Importance of Microbiome Modulation & Medium-Chain Prebiotics for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be a complex process, as there are many factors that influence IBS, including stress, environmental toxins, nutrient depletion and ...
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Diverticular Disease
gut brain axis

5 Effective Strategies for a Healthier Gut with IBS

Living with digestive challenges due to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can significantly impact your quality of life. Over-the-counter solutions like antacids, laxatives, and anti-diarrhea medicines ...
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oids reduce blood pressure, apples, berries and tea reduces dementiasrisk
Cardiovascular Health

Flavonoids Influence Gut Bacteria and Lower Blood Pressure Levels

Flavonoids in foods, including berries, apples, pears and wine, may reduce blood pressure levels, which is partially explained by characteristics of the gut microbiome, according ...
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autisic children

Autistic Children Show Underdeveloped Range & Volume of Gut Bacteria

As small study from the journal Gut sheds light on the bacterial composition of the gut in autistic children. Researchers say the gut bacteria is ...
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immunity and the gut

Scientific Review on Immunity and the Microbiome, a Symbiotic Partnership

When referring to immunity and the microbiome, the science often focuses on how the microbiota promote and calibrate all aspects of the immune system. However, ...
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gut microbiome and mental health

David Scheiderer MD on Stress and the Microbiome

The science is growing showing that meta-inflammation and dysbiosis may be linked to dysfunction of the gut-brain axis and thus affect mental health. It all ...
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