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Probiotic Metabolite May Help Treat IBS

Science is only beginning to understand the role that the gut microbiome—the collection of bacteria and other microbes that live in our intestines—plays in our ...
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Mental Health

Supplement Combo Helps Treat Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is one of the most common severe mental illnesses, affecting some 24 million people—about one in every 300—worldwide. Symptoms range from listlessness and apathy ...
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Nutritional Medicine

Demystifying Methylation: Patterns, Processes and the Pivotal Role of B vitamins.

Methylation is a complex, often poorly understood subject—but it’s essential for overall wellness, vitality and disease prevention. As a central player in regulating gene expression ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Crafting a Comprehensive Cardiovascular Protocol

Seven science-backed interventions to tame inflammation, lower cholesterol, minimize cardiometabolic risk factors and support your patients’ heart health   Of all the disease and conditions ...
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Food Allergies

Beneficial Bacteria Fight Milk Allergies

In a study published in Allergology International, researchers show that a common strain of probiotic—Bifidobacteria—can improve treatment outcomes for children with milk allergies.
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Natural Plant Compounds Show Promise Against Breast Cancer

The debate over soy and its relation to breast cancer has been a long—and confusing—one. For many years, it was thought that soy might increase ...
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Surprising Benefits of Navy Beans

Beans, beans, good for the…gut? They are. At least according to new research from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Their study, which ...
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New Evidence Against Artificial Sweeteners

Once touted as low-calorie substitutes that could help reduce incidence of diabetes and help people lose weight, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, and saccharine ...
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Breakthrough Use for Probiotics

At this point, we’re all familiar with the benefits of probiotics, especially for gut health. These beneficial bacteria help control harmful bacteria in our gastrointestinal ...
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Children's Health

Supporting the Infant Microbiota for a Healthy Future

The gut microbiota develops and matures during the first few years of life. Research suggests changes in the early microbiota may affect a child’s later ...
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