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gut brain axis

IBS and Dysbiosis: It’s Time to Tend Your Garden

Your gut is home to an estimated 100 trillion microorganisms. They include bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoans, amoebas, and their genetic information. Collectively this is known ...
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What is a Medical Food for IBS?

Probiotics are commonly used dietary supplements for occasional digestive disorders. But you should know — not all products are the same. If you live with ...
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What to Eat When You Have IBS or Digestive Issues

We’ve all heard the expression, “You are what you eat.” A healthy diet is one of the pillars of good health. The right foods help ...
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Diverticular Disease
gut brain axis

5 Effective Strategies for a Healthier Gut with IBS

Living with digestive challenges due to IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) can significantly impact your quality of life. Over-the-counter solutions like antacids, laxatives, and anti-diarrhea medicines ...
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oids reduce blood pressure, apples, berries and tea reduces dementiasrisk
Cardiovascular Health

Flavonoids Influence Gut Bacteria and Lower Blood Pressure Levels

Flavonoids in foods, including berries, apples, pears and wine, may reduce blood pressure levels, which is partially explained by characteristics of the gut microbiome, according ...
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autisic children

Autistic Children Show Underdeveloped Range & Volume of Gut Bacteria

As small study from the journal Gut sheds light on the bacterial composition of the gut in autistic children. Researchers say the gut bacteria is ...
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Multi-Species Probiotics and Multi-drug Resistance Gram-Negative Bacteria

Drug resistance among the elderly is common, particularly for residents in long-term care facilities. Multi-species probiotics may provide a solution for patients prone to repeated ...
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immunity and the gut

Scientific Review on Immunity and the Microbiome, a Symbiotic Partnership

When referring to immunity and the microbiome, the science often focuses on how the microbiota promote and calibrate all aspects of the immune system. However, ...
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Probiotic Strains May Modulate Brain Processing

Could Specific Probiotic Strains Modulate Brain Processing and Connectivity?

Research show how probiotic strains modulate brain processing and connectivity The interconnection between the gut microbiome and brain interactions for neurotransmitter expression, neurodevelopment, and behavior ...
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gut tissue inflammation

Lab Study: High-fiber Short Chain Fatty Acids May Control COVID-19 Related Gut Tissue Inflammation

A study conducted at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, shows that compounds produced by gut microbiota (bacteria and ...
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