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Kidney/Liver Health

Mankai Combined with Modified Mediterranean Diet Shows Promise for NAFLD

A green Mediterranean (MED) diet, that includes the green superfood Mankai, walnuts and no-red meat, reduced intrahepatic fat more than other healthy diets and cuts ...
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leaky gut and COVID-19

Leaky Gut and Gut Dysfunction Likely Connected to Severe COVID-19

People infected with COVID-19 experience a wide range of symptoms and severity, including high fevers and respiratory problems. However, new research shows that when the ...
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Immune Health

Hemicellulose as an Immune Enhancing Tool

The Impact of Hemicellulose from Plants and Mushroom-Derived Polysaccharides on Immune Function Hemicellulose isn’t a new thing. In fact, it is as timeless as the ...
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blood sugar dips
Immune Health

Widespread Nutrient Shortfalls May Increase the Risk of Infections

Ideally, a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet, including a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and healthy fats can meet all of one’s daily requirements ...
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Kidney/Liver Health

Stevia Extract May Reduce Markers of Fatty Liver Disease

There is clear evidence that high sugar consumption leads to obesity and fatty liver disease. And while synthetic and natural alternatives to sugar are available, ...
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bacterial infections

Clostridioides Difficile Infection Thrives in Popular High-protein, High-fat Diets

Diets like the Keto, Paleo and Atkins focus on high-fat, high-protein meals that are often low in carbohydrates. This mix may appeal to Clostridioides difficile ...
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Metabolic Syndrome

Compounds in Hops May Alter Gut Microbiome and Liver Acids to Address Metabolic Syndrome

Could hops be a new way to address metabolic syndrome? According to new research from Oregon State University, compounds in hops may combat metabolic syndrome ...
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gut microbiome
Crohn's disease

Mediterranean Diet Superior for Gut Microbiome and Addressing Crohn’s & IBS

Researchers from the University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands have found that certain foods including legumes, bread, fish, nuts, and wine are associated with a ...
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Gastrointestinal Health

PART 2: The Pervasive Misuderstanding of What the FODMAP Diet Does and Doesn’t Do

The exaggerated confidence given to the FODMAP diet, that it has the ability to favorably alter the intestinal microbiota, starve out organisms, or alter the ...
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Angela Pifer

Part 1: The Pervasive Misunderstanding of What The FODMAP Diet Does And Does Not Do

As the FODMAP diet grows in popularity, we need to be clear about what the research has revealed. There is a pervasive misunderstanding of what ...
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