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Nutritional Medicine

Melatonin – more than a hormone for sleep

In recent years, melatonin has become one of the world’s most popular dietary supplements – a fact some may attribute to an increase in screen ...
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Mental Health

NAC May Help Boost Motivation by Addressing Oxidative Stress

Getting and staying motivated is hard for many people. In fact, it is such a frequent problem that scientists have invested much time and research ...
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blue light therapy

Blue Light Therapy Helps PTSD Sufferers

People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) experienced better sleep, a reduction in the severity of symptoms, and more effective treatments after exposure to blue light ...
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Picky Eaters vs. Sensory Eaters in Neurodiverse Children

Most young children go through food jags — periods of picky eating where they will only eat one food or a small selection of foods ...
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Biotics Research

Environmental Pollutants & the Microbiome

In a recently published Frontiers in Medicine review, the bidirectional interactions between environmental toxicants and the gut microbiota were examined, highlighting the complex relationship between ...
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Daytime Eating Linked to Brighter Mood

The phrase ‘mood foods’ is taking on a whole new meaning. When it comes to warding off depression and anxiety, it might not be what ...
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Neurological Disorders

Pycnogenol Calms Restless Legs

New scientific findings offer hope and a natural solution to those who suffer from Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) — characterized by sensations of crawling, pulling, ...
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ADHD and Genetics: What’s the Connection?

ADHD often runs in families. But what are the genetic mechanisms that may support this connection? ADHD and neurodiverse conditions are related to multiple genetic ...
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The Importance Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) in ADHD- The Good Omega-6

Nearly 60% of the adult brain is composed of lipids, of which approximately 35% are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Omega-3 and omega-6 fats are both ...
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Ayurvedic Herb Helps Menopause-Related Anxiety & Cognitive Decline

Menopause is a rollercoaster ride of changes for most women. As hormone levels drop off precipitously, women begin to experience a range of physical and ...
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