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COVID-19 Survivors Study

CDC Launches COVID-19 Survivors’ Study on Long-Term Effects

While much has been learned about COVID-19 in the year since it was first detected, its long-term effects on the health of COVID-19 survivors may ...
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COVID-19 and Long-term Brain Disorders, Alzheimer's
Cognitive Health

COVID and Long-Term Brain Disorders: What We Know & How to Learn More

As doctors begin to see more and more patients with long-term impact from the COVID-19 virus (so called long-haulers), it’s important to consider what we ...
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Introducing EQUAZEN® PRO: Support for Learning and Brain Development in Children/Adolescents with ADHD

Soho Flordis International (SFI® Health)—a leading provider of premium, evidence-based nutraceuticals and the home of Klaire Labs®—announced the U.S. launch of EQUAZEN® PRO, a medical ...
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Glutathione Precursor GlyNAC Reverses Premature Aging with HIV

A new study from Baylor College of Medicine shows that findings supplementing GlyNAC, a combination of glycine and N-acetylcysteine, corrects glutathione deficiencies in humans with ...
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The Chopra Library at the Walton-Funded and Gaudet-Led Whole Health Institute: What’s the Plan?

If you ask Deepak Chopra about the purpose of the Chopra Library, he will turn quickly speak to the challenges at Wikipedia for topics like ...
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vital replication in the lungs

New Pathway & Bradykinin Storm Found in COVID-19 Inflammatory Response

Analyses of lung fluid cells from COVID-19 patients conducted on the nation’s fastest supercomputer point to gene expression patterns that may explain the COVID-19 inflammatory ...
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oids reduce blood pressure, apples, berries and tea reduces dementiasrisk

Flavonoids in Berries, Apples and Tea Reduce Risk of Dementias

Older adults who consumed small amounts of flavonoid-rich foods, such as berries, apples and tea, were two to four times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s ...
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Hydrogen as a Tool in the Fight to Reduce Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Clinical studies suggest hydrogen may improve side effects of radiation and chemotherapy as clinicians work to reduce cancer treatment side effects. One area in which ...
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Mouse Study Shows L-serine May Restore Synaptic Plasticity and Memory

Scientists at the Laboratoire des Maladies Neurodégénératives (CNRS/CEA/Université Paris-Saclay) and the Neurocentre Magendie (INSERM/Université de Bordeaux) have just shown that a metabolic pathway plays a ...
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Hydrogen as a Novel Neuroprotectant

Hydrogen as a Novel Neuroprotectant

Because of its unique properties, one of the settings in which hydrogen (H2) has been extensively researched is central nervous system (CNS) disease. Due to ...
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